Processor and Its Types

Published by SunnYHan on

Introduction to Processor

A processor, also known as a central processing unit (CPU), is the brain of a computer. It is responsible for executing instructions and performing arithmetic and logical operations. A processor’s performance is measured in terms of clock speed, cache size, number of cores, and other factors. In this blog, we will take a closer look at processors and explore some of the most important concepts related to them.

Processor Architecture

A processor’s architecture refers to the design and organization of its components. There are four main types of processor architectures:

Von Neumann Architecture

This architecture uses a single memory space for both data and instructions. It is named after the computer scientist John von Neumann, who first proposed this design in the 1940s.

Harvard Architecture

This architecture uses separate memory spaces for data and instructions. This allows for faster execution of instructions, but it requires more complex hardware.

RISC Architecture

RISC stands for Reduced Instruction Set Computing. This architecture uses a smaller set of simple instructions, which can be executed more quickly. RISC processors are commonly used in embedded systems and mobile devices.

CISC Architecture

CISC stands for Complex Instruction Set Computing. This architecture uses a larger set of complex instructions, which can perform multiple operations in a single instruction. CISC processors are commonly used in desktop and server computers.

Processor Performance Metrics

There are several performance metrics that are used to measure a processor’s performance:

Clock Speed of a Processor

The clock speed of a processor refers to the number of clock cycles it can execute per second. This is measured in gigahertz (GHz). A higher clock speed generally means that a processor can execute instructions more quickly.

Cache Size

A processor’s cache is a small amount of memory that is used to store frequently accessed data. A larger cache size can improve performance by reducing the time it takes to access data.

Number of Cores

A processor’s cores are the individual processing units that perform the instructions. A higher number of cores can improve performance by allowing multiple instructions to be executed simultaneously.

Instruction Set Architecture

The instruction set architecture (ISA) refers to the set of instructions that a processor can execute. Different ISAs have different strengths and weaknesses, and some are better suited for certain types of tasks than others.

Processor Manufacturers

There are several companies that manufacture processors, but three of the most prominent are:

Intel Processor Manufacturer

Intel is the world’s largest processor manufacturer. They produce a wide range of processors for desktop and server computers, as well as mobile devices.

AMD Processor Manufacturer

AMD is Intel’s main competitor in the processors market. They produce a range of processors that are similar in performance to Intel’s, but at a lower price point.

ARM Processor Manufacturer

ARM is a British company that produces processors for mobile devices, embedded systems, and other applications. ARM processors are known for their low power consumption and high performance.


Processor are the heart of modern computers and are responsible for executing instructions and performing calculations. A processor’s architecture, clock speed, cache size, number of cores, and instruction set architecture all play a role in determining its performance. There are several companies that manufacture processors, including Intel, AMD, and ARM. By understanding the concepts and metrics related to processors, you can make informed decisions when choosing a processor for your computer or other device.


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