Natural Skincare 11 Tips

Published by SunnYHan on

Natural Skincare

Following are the Best 11 Natural Skincare Tips:

Stay Away From Sun Rays

Natural skincare needs a little of everything, while a lot of something can go off the board. For example – a little exposure to Vitamin D from the sun is totally beneficial but if you take it in excess it can result in sun tanning and dullness of skin.

Try to stay from the sun in the peak noon hours as much as possible. And make sunscreen a mandatory part of your natural skincare routine. Do check your sunscreen ingredient list and make sure it has zinc and titanium oxide sunscreen.

Vitamin C

Did you know keeping your Vitamin C intake high will help to slow down the aging process? It also helps in cell regeneration to make your skin youthful. This beauty tip for face is followed by experts as vitamin C boosts the production of collagen as well, thereby reducing fine lines and wrinkles.

Body Detoxifying for Natural Skincare Look

Your body builds up toxins from various factors like pollution, junk food, unhealthy drinks, smoking, etc. It’s important to detoxify your body, to make your skin look fresh and beautiful. Have lots of green tea, hot water with lemon juice in the morning, activated charcoal drink, etc to get all the impurities out of your body.

Exercise Daily

Exercising is obviously one of the best ways to sweat out the impurities and toxins. Heard about post-workout glow? It’s not a myth. When you workout, your blood circulation gets regulated and hence adds a healthy glow to your face. This isn’t just a tip for healthy skin but it also helps with total body regulation while you are fit and active.

Take Enough Sleep

Lastly, sleep!! This natural skincare beauty tip will definitely come to you naturally and don’t you just love doing that? Getting proper sleep helps you to rejuvenate and while you are sleeping your skin is in its repairing mode. So get that night cream or Hyaluronic acid (we’d totally recommend) and get that good 8 hours of sleep every night.

Healthy Fats for Healthy Natural Skincare

Not all kinds of fats are bad, some do an amazing job at being beneficial to your body. Good fats actually help to make your skin look younger and radiant. Tips for healthy skin surely involve the intake of good fats like avocado, olive oil, flax seeds, fishes, nuts, etc.

Hydrate Your Body

Hydrating your body can alone solve so many problems yet we choose to not keep it as our priority. When your body is dehydrated it doesn’t perform in the most optimum manner and it shows on your skin as well, your skin will become dry, flaky and dull. Hydrating yourself is one of the easiest tips for healthy skin.

Eat Right for Natural Skincare Look

Eating right is not just important for your guts but also for the overall wellbeing including your skin health. Tips for healthy skin are all about doing the best for your body and your skin. Make sure to include enough antioxidants in your diet, it helps to fight bacteria, diseases and also prevents free radicals that accelerate aging.

Antioxidants slow down the aging process, inflammation, and formation of fine lines and wrinkles. The tip for healthy skin here is to include the following food items in your diet-Goji berries, Acai berries, Spinach, Raspberries, Blueberries, Pomegranate, Seeds, Nuts, Green tea, etc.

Eat Organic

Needless to say, organic food is free of toxins and other harmful ingredients. So consuming organic food is definitely a tip for healthy skin. It provides your body with all the needed nutrients that bring a natural flush to your skin.

Natural Skincare Products

One of the important tips for healthy skin is to use only natural skin care products, most of the commercialized products available in the market are full of harsh chemicals. These products damage your skin cells making it look dull while resulting in breakouts and blemishes. Always have a look at the ingredients and choose the one that has organic ingredients and is free of chemicals like Paraben and SLS.

Control Sugar Intake


1 Comment

Abu · 07/02/2023 at 2:54 pm


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